As a mom of two young girls, I know firsthand how challenging parenting can be. Balancing work and family while staying present with my kids is a constant struggle. My girls have a remarkable ability to sense when I’m having an off day, and it’s tough to always feel like we need to be "on." Children, after all, are like sponges—they absorb everything we say and do, often without us even realizing it.

That’s where GenLift Counselling steps in. Our mission is to support children and families by equipping them with the tools needed to foster positive change and growth.

Our Mission:

  • Create Understanding: Build a foundation of empathy and communication.
  • Encourage Growth: Support personal and emotional development.
  • Develop a Sense of Belonging: Help children feel valued and connected.
  • Learn to Love Our Inner Self: Promote self-acceptance and self-worth.
  • Empower Youth: Inspire young people to make a meaningful impact.

Join me on this journey as we work together to uplift and empower the next generation. Let’s build a brighter future for our children, one step at a time.



Image: <a href="" title="fist icons">Fist icons created by Darius Dan - Flaticon</a>

Amie Staniloff

Amie Staniloff

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