Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a proven method for managing negative thoughts and emotions. It empowers individuals to recognize and challenge unhelpful patterns of thinking, leading to more constructive behaviors and improved emotional well-being. Think of it as a toolkit for developing healthier thought habits and coping strategies. With CBT, individuals gain practical skills to navigate life's challenges with resilience and confidence.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is like your trusty compass guiding you through life's ups and downs with grace and purpose. Unlike trying to dodge the waves in a storm, ACT teaches you to ride them like a pro surfer, embracing every twist and turn along the way. Here's the scoop: ACT isn't about getting rid of difficult thoughts or feelings - it's about making peace with them and living in alignment with your deepest values. It's like turning your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader, cheering you on as you navigate the choppy waters of life. So, if you're tired of battling against the tide and ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, ACT might just be your ticket to a life filled with meaning, resilience, and a whole lot of inner peace.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for children and adolescents is like a superhero training program for managing big emotions and building rock-solid coping skills. It's all about learning to balance the ups and downs of life with grace and resilience. Through a mix of mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness skills, young minds are empowered to navigate the rollercoaster of emotions with confidence and clarity. DBT is like a toolbox filled with all the strategies and techniques needed to thrive in the face of life's challenges, helping kids and teens build a foundation for a brighter, more balanced future.

Play Therapy

Therapeutic Play Skills through Rocky Mountain Play Therapy Institute is like unlocking the magical world of healing through play. It's a journey where children and adolescents discover their inner superheroes, using toys, games, and creative activities to express themselves, process emotions, and build resilience. Through specialized training in play therapy techniques, therapists learn how to create a safe and nurturing space where young minds can explore, grow, and heal. From puppet shows to sand trays, Therapeutic Play Skills equips therapists with the tools and techniques needed to help children and teens rewrite their stories and embark on a journey towards healing and empowerment.

Solution-Focused Therapy

Solution-Focused Therapy is like a beacon of hope in the stormy seas of life, shining a light on the possibilities for positive change. Instead of dwelling on past problems, this approach focuses on identifying and amplifying strengths and solutions in the present moment. It's like flipping through the pages of a choose-your-own-adventure book, where each session is a step closer to unlocking the next chapter of your story. By harnessing the power of collaboration and creativity, Solution-Focused Therapy empowers individuals to tap into their innate resources, set achievable goals, and navigate towards a brighter future with confidence and resilience.

Individual Program Plan Support

With over a decade of dedicated experience in education, including a significant tenure at a specialized private school for learning disabilities, Amie brings extensive knowledge and insight to the forefront. Whether deciphering recent psychological assessments or advocating for your child within the educational framework, Amie serves as your trusted guide. As the architect of IPPs at her institution, she possesses a deep understanding of practical school-based supports designed to optimize your child's learning experience. Allow Amie to be your ally in navigating the path to personalized educational support and success for your child.

Career and Post Secondary Guidance and support

Amie Staniloff, a distinguished expert in navigating higher education pathways. With a stellar record of guiding numerous students to successful admissions in top Canadian universities, Amie is your trusted partner in achieving academic excellence. From meticulous insights into admission requirements and competitive averages to early planning starting from grades 9 and 10, Amie provides tailored support. Whether you're pursuing scholarships or exploring post-high school options, Amie offers comprehensive assistance to align your aspirations with strategic planning. Trust Amie to seamlessly transition your high school accommodations to your post-secondary journey and pave the way to your future success.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution means solving problems in a calm and respectful way. It's about listening to each other, talking about how you feel without blaming anyone, and finding solutions together. You can do this by finding things you agree on, coming up with ideas, picking the best one, and trying it out. Remember, it's normal to have disagreements, but by working together, you can make things better and keep your relationships strong.