Navigating Youthful Challenges

Empowering young minds through tailored counselling.

Child & Adolescent Counselling is a specialized support system designed to help young individuals navigate the complex emotional, social, and educational landscapes of their formative years. By fostering a safe and understanding environment, this approach aims to equip children and adolescents with the resilience and skills they need to face life's challenges. Through personalized strategies and compassionate guidance, counselling can significantly enhance mental well-being, self-esteem, and overall life satisfaction for our younger generation.


  • Anxiety 
  • ADHD 
  • School-based challenges         
  • Depression         
  • Perfectionism        
  • Self-esteem     
  • Emotional Regulation       
  • Learning Disabilities          
  • Addictions            
  • Self-injury         
  • Social interactions             
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • Boundaries                             
  • Individual Program Plan (IPP) Consultations & Development                             
  • Post-secondary transition  


GenLift Counselling

4525 Monterey Ave NW Suite 210,
Calgary, AB
T3B 0L4


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