What can I expect?

GenLift Counselling strives to create a compassionate, non-judgmental space to support and inspire your path to overall wellness. Counseling focuses on specific goals. Your therapist will support you and challenge you to make positive changes. The goals set in counseling aim to create real life changes. Success in therapy depends on your openness and effort towards achieving these goals.

Are there forms that need to be filled out? 

Yes – we require parental consent prior to the first session with your child. We are fully dedicated to providing you with comprehensive support and guidance to ensure any documentation is completed to meet your therapeutic goals.

How much is a counselling session and how long is each session? 

Individual in-person or teletherapy session is $180 and is roughly 50 minutes in length. Family therapy session is $180 and will be completed in office. 

Do you offer a sliding scale?

At GenLift, we believe in making our services accessible to as many people as possible. We are committed to working with you to find a solution that fits your budget. Please reach out to us directly to discuss your needs, and we’ll do our best to accommodate and find a suitable arrangement. Your well-being and access to our services are our top priorities! 

Do you offer Direct Billing?

Regrettably, direct billing to insurance companies is not an option at present. Nonetheless, subsequent to your therapy session, you will receive a receipt for submission to your insurance provider for reimbursement. Given the diversity among insurance plans, I strongly advise confirming with your provider whether coverage for sessions with a Registered Social Worker in Alberta, whether conducted in-person or virtually, is included in your policy.

How many sessions are needed? 

Each individual is unique, and there is no universal method for counseling. Your therapist will collaborate with you to set goals, evaluate your needs, and develop a personalized therapy plan. While some clients may achieve their objectives in a few sessions, others may benefit from a longer-term approach. You are encouraged to discuss any aspect of your therapy with your therapist, who will also regularly check in to ensure your sessions continue to meet your needs.

What is your cancellation/rescheduling policy? 

We highly value your dedication to your mental health journey and recognize the importance of your time. To effectively manage our scheduling and accommodate the needs of all clients, we kindly ask for a minimum of 24-hour notice for appointment cancellations. Please be advised that cancellations within this timeframe may incur a fee equal to the cost of your counseling session.

Please email us with any further questions you may have. We look forward to connecting!