Privacy Policy

Who We Are

Welcome to GenLift Counselling, a youth-based counselling practice in Northwest Calgary AB. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our unwavering adherence to all provincial and federal privacy statutes, ensuring the utmost protection of your family's confidential information.

Information Collection

At GenLift Counselling, we hold paramount the security of our clients' personal data, as mandated by pertinent provincial and federal legislation. Personal information, encompassing various identifiers such as names, addresses, contact details, demographic particulars, and financial data, is collected judiciously and exclusively for the purpose of facilitating our services effectively.

Purpose of Data Collection

Our data collection practices are grounded in transparency and accountability. We collect personal information solely to optimize service delivery, encompassing the provision of requested services and products, enrollment in specialized programs, and the monitoring of client progress and outcomes. Under no circumstances do we utilize or disclose personal information for purposes beyond those expressly stated, unless with explicit consent or legal authorization.

Data Collection and Storage Protocols

GenLift Counselling employs rigorous protocols to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of client data. While primary information collection occurs directly from clients, supplementary data may be obtained with explicit consent or lawful authorization. Access to personal information is restricted to authorized personnel on a need-to-know basis, and stringent safeguards are implemented to prevent unauthorized access, loss, or corruption.

Privacy Policy Commitment

Rest assured, GenLift Counselling maintains an unwavering commitment to client confidentiality. We do not disclose client names or personal information except when compelled by law, nor do we engage in the sale, trade, or sharing of client data.

Telehealth Services

At GenLift Counselling, we are committed to providing accessible support through our telehealth services. These encompass virtual video calls, serving the same purpose as traditional in-person appointments. Your needs are our priority, and we're flexible—we can adjust the mode of service as necessary throughout your treatment.

For virtual sessions, we utilize the secure Jane App platform, ensuring compliance with Canadian privacy laws. Prior to your session, you'll receive a link via email. All you need is a webcam or smartphone to join. We recommend testing your video and audio settings beforehand, but don't worry—if you encounter any technical difficulties, we have contingency plans in place, such as transitioning to a phone call.

While telehealth offers convenience, it's essential to consider some important factors. Just like with in-person sessions, your privacy is paramount. We uphold strict confidentiality standards and will not record any sessions without your explicit consent. Additionally, finding a quiet, private space for your session is advised, and using a secure internet connection is crucial for confidentiality.

If you're under 18, parental or guardian consent is required for tele-sessions, ensuring everyone is involved in your care.

Your comfort and confidentiality are of utmost importance to us. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you every step of the way.

About Cookies

To enhance your online experience, our website may employ "cookie" technology, facilitating streamlined navigation and enhanced functionality. While you retain the option to disable cookies through your web browser, please note that this may impact certain website features.

Inquiries and Amendments

For any inquiries or modifications to your consent preferences, we invite you to contact us at your earliest convenience. You can reach us by phone at (403) 332-1774 or via email at [provide email address]. Kindly allow us a reasonable timeframe, typically 3 business days, to effectuate any updates to our records.

Should you require further clarification on our privacy practices, please do not hesitate to email us at [provide email address]. Your trust is paramount to us, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring the confidentiality and security of your family's information.